Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Endowment Grants Approved

The TACF board reviewed and approved endowment grants in the amount of $220 a piece for the following community projects: RTR FFA Vineyard project, Tyler 125th Celebration project, Aebleskiver Days project, and the Lions Club downtown community sign project. The endowment grant fund dollars were made available from the interest earned on the endowment fund principal dollars over the last year. In the future we hope to continue to grow the endowment fund principal amount which in turn will allow us to do larger grants in the future. If you would like to donate to the endowment fund or the downtown community sign project, you send your donation to TACF PO Box 239, Tyler, MN 56178. Just indicate on a note or your check which fund (endowment or community sign) that you would like your donation to help. Thank you!